Tuesday 31 January 2012

Stereotype of a Hippie Interview

Interview of a female 20 year old London Fashion student, giving their responses to what they believe to be a 'Hippie'.

Q. When someone say's the word 'Hippie' what are you instant thoughts?

A. "They were around in the 60's, it was all about flower power and bright rainbow colours. Would always have long hair and baggy clothing, took drugs. I think they beleieved in love, peace and were anti war and anti society. They would go to festivals and be part of huge protests."

Q. Do you think 'Hippie's' are still around today, and in what context?

A. "Yes, I don't think they would live such a free lifestyle as they would be quite restricted by the law and the majority of society. I think most people have just followed the fashion side of the movement, but there may still be some real ones out there that choose to live in the authentic way from the 60's."

Q. Do you think you can get a good idea of what a 'Hippie' is from Google?

A. "You can get a vague idea, its all a bit mixed up. Its probably closer to costume and stereotypes. I'm not sure if that's completely what they were but you get an idea of fashion influences."

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