Saturday 14 April 2012

Pages 23-24

(continued from previous page) ...that adrenalin rush that sends your body thrashing around the place go and see ‘Let's Talk Daggers’, if you don't enjoy hectic gigs, give them a go anyway, I'm pretty sure you'll love it, to me there is no better band to see live. The new EP, 'Winter' is filled with extreme excitement in an instant, personally the third track, 'Have a Gabble' is my favourite, it's filled with intense shouts and screams. ‘Let's Talk Daggers’ aren't just some awful hardcore wannabe band created by nerdy, sweaty, overly skinny teenagers, these guys have so much talent, After having a listened to their demos tracks for the album I'm very excited to go out and get it, you can buy all the tracks from itunes. Give them a listen, check their tour dates and merch at

Gold Panda

Gold Panda, also known as Derwin is an amazing musician, intriguing sounds that sink deep into your soul, with tracks making you feel as calm as the Dalai Lama and tracks that make you feel as powerful as Obama. The album ‘Lucky Shiner’ has such a wide range of sounds all creating amazing songs, that work well together on the album and sound very different too. It starts with his former single ‘You’, and ends with a similar version of the song, Making a loop with ‘Marriage’, as warm as a black road on a hot summers day, ‘Same Dream China’ is enhanced with the echoing of marimbas and xylophones creating an altogether masterpiece. ‘I’m With You But I’m Lonely’ has finger pianos treated and distorted until they sound like Fish Bones snapping under great pressure. The album is one of the few albums i would put in my top ten but everything about it is great. Check out Gold Panda at

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